“Trumpetoon” Competition First Prize

Lynn has won first prize in the Minute of Music “Trumpetoon” competition, 2019.  The term, “Trumpetoon,” refers to a duet for trumpet and bassoon.  Her piece, The Little Buffalo, was selected.   Here’s what the founder of the competition, Jason Taurins, said about the contest: “It was designed to promote the writing of new music…

Cypress Winds Clarinet Quartet

The Cypress Winds Clarinet Quartet of Cypress, Texas, has just announced that Lynn has won second prize for her clarinet quartet, “Dawn Chorus.”  The quartet is written for three Bb clarinets and one bass clarinet.  Dawn Chorus is one movement of the “Birdsong Suite” which Lynn is currently composing.The Cypress Clarinet Quartet will be appearing…

The Little Buffalo Suite

This past summer I was a Composition Fellow at the Wyoming Festival.   One day we spotted a herd of bison.  A little buffalo ignored the big, shaggy, grunting, foraging herd and galloped across the prairie.  I just had to compose some music about the little buffalo.   I originally wrote the music for Stephanie Zelnick,…